When the waitress served Doug Ritter a sizzling 20-ounce T steak, he ignored the wood-handled serrated steak knife and reached for his pocket. He pulled out a folding knife with a 3.4 inches blade, expertly flicked it open with one hand, and started cutting his steak. In Clark County, it's illegal to carry knives like these concealed. But Doug Ritter is no rebel without a cause. He was savoring his many successful attempts at repealing the country's decaying knife laws.
Age-old legislations and restrictions on automatic knives, fixed blade knives, and stilettos have fallen away in state after state in recent years. And much of the credit goes to this man Ritter and his strong advocacy group called Knife Rights. Over the years, this little-known group has borrowed several leaves from the NRA (National Rifle Association) and toasted to several legislative victories. Many of these changes created a ripple effect across the nation but escaped the front pages because of the nation's focus on guns.
Ancient Knife Laws Cripple States Across The U.S.A.

While the U.S.A. is one of the top runners in the technology and space race, its knife laws go back to the days when justice was done outside the court in a gun duel. It seems like the lawmakers (many of whom are from the bygone era) haven't actually moved on with time. From language to logic, these legislations span from outright weird to short-sighted. They not only infringe on human rights but stop trade and commerce from booming.
Nothing United In The Knife Laws Of America
California has some of the strictest knife laws in the country. Here a lethal Bowie that is considered a weapon is legal. However, an automatic pen knife with a blade of 3 inches can lock your horns with the law. California has a long list of knives that people cannot possess, use or even buy.New York knife laws are so confusing that even the cops seem lost. Here, automatic knives and folding knives can be considered 'dangerous' even if the person carrying it has no 'intent of harm'. The only place to get a decision is the court. And we say we are the champions of human rights, hah. By the people, of the people, for the people?
Arizona and Alaska on the other hand are knife lovers' paradise. The Cotton State has kept its law simple and straightforward. If you're over 21 years of age, you can own and carry any knife - whether it's a switchblade, folding knife, or a dagger. It's your responsibility here to abide by the law while carrying a knife as a survival tool.
Alaska leads the Knife Rights movement from the front by allowing its people to own and carry any knife they want. Conceal carry is not usually a problem for all those who are 21 years and above. The only restriction in the Last Frontier is for big fixed blade knives that are considered deadly weapons.
Other states have knife laws that are harder to decide than Egyptian hieroglyphs, written in cryptic languages and riddled with clauses. However, due to sustained effort and campaigns from several groups, these laws are starting to fall away, making way for new knife-friendly laws.